CSJP publishes the scientific journal “Swiss Journal of Palaeontology”. The peer-reviewed journal contains freely accessible research papers in all areas of palaeontology.

Image: Christian Klug

Biovalley Life Science Symposium 2023


Kantonsschule Wettingen

Meeting place

Kantonsschule Wettingen

The Life Science Symposium is aimed at secondary school teachers. Its objective is to enrich biology lessons with tried and tested modern experiments, working techniques and up-to-date specialist knowledge.

Fair - LSS 2019 (Science on Stage Switzerland)
Image: Science on Stage Switzerland

The focus of the symposium is on two expert lectures and two workshops of 90 minutes each, in which teachers work practically and gain experience. Ideas, equipment and recent literature will be presented and discussed at stands in an exchange fair. Institutions from the field of life sciences will introduce themselves.

Two workshops will present projects that were at the Science on Stage Festival in Prague: "The Good, the Bad and the Complex" with Declan Cathcart (Science on Stage Ireland) and "To bee or not to bee" with Thomi Scheuber (Science on Stage Switzerland).

The symposium is free of charge thanks to the support of Interpharma. The Life Science Symposium is associated with Science on Stage Switzerland.

  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Workshop – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Workshop – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Declan, Janine and Thomi – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen
  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen1/6
  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen2/6
  • Workshop – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen3/6
  • Workshop – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen4/6
  • Declan, Janine and Thomi – Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen5/6
  • Biovalley Life Science Symspoium 2023 - Kantonsschule Wettingen6/6


  • High School II
Registration till 21 March 2023
Languages: English, German, French