La CSJP pubblica la rivista «Swiss Journal of Palaeontology». La rivista Peer-Review contiene i contributi sulla ricerca in tutti i settori della paleontologia ed è accessibile gratuitamente.

Immagine: Christian Klug


2006Alain Morad, Berne: “Covariation patterns in ammonoids : observations, models, and open questions”.
2007Daniel Marty, Bâle: “Comparative taphonomy of human footprints left in microbial mats of tidal flats and dinosaur footprints of Late Jurassic biolaminites; a key for the interpretation of fossil vertebrate tracks”.
2008Nicolas Goudemand, Zurich: “Smithian-Spathian boundary: the biggest crisis in Triassic conodont history”.
2009Nicolas Goudemand, Zurich: “Paleobiology of Early Triassic conodonts: implications of newly discovered fused clusters imaged by X-ray synchrotron microtomography”.
2010Jérôme Chablais, Genève: Upper Triassic reef biota from southwestern Japan: new data from a Panthalassan seamount”.
2011Madeleine Geiger, Zurich: “Giant rodents from the northern Neotropics - taxonomic, phylogenetic and developmental aspects of their evolution within the caviomorph radiation”.
2012Yannick Mary, Bâle: “Micro-dissection reveals inner structure and ontogenetic growth of Pliocene menardellids (planktonic foraminifera)”.
2013James Neenan, Zurich: “Unique method of tooth replacement in Placodontia (Diapsida, Sauropterygia), with new data on the dentition of Chinese taxa”.
2014Lea Leuzinger, Fribourg: “Taxonomy and biogeochemistry of a new chondrichthyan fauna from the Swiss Jura (Kimmeridgian): an unusual isotopic signature for the hybodont shark Asteracanthus”.
2015Amane Tajika, Zurich: “Intraspecific variation of volumetric growth trajectories in nautilids and ammonites”.


Bastien Mennecart, Bâle: „How does bony labyrinth morphology help resolve the phylogeny and diversification timing of deer?”


Kristof Veitschegger: Reconstructing life history from the fossil record – the case of Pleistocene cave bears


Manuel F.G. Weinkauf: Morphological disparity and ontogeny of the endemic heteromorph ammonite genus Aegocrioceras

2019Stephan Spiekman: Synchrotron microtomography and bone histology of Tanystropheus reveal its cranial morphology and the identification of a separate, small-sized species
2020Eva C. Herbst: Was the early tetrapod Eryops capable of a salamander-like walk? Developing new methods to test paleontological hypotheses about posture and gait

Serjoscha W. Evers: Ecomorphology and evolution of the vestibular organ of turtles

2022Alexander Pohle: Fossil cephalopod phylogenetics: recent advances, remaining challenges and future perspectives

Lorenzo Lustri: Ontogenie von Pfeilschwanzkrebsen aus dem früheren Ordovizium und Urpsrung der Cheliceraten


Gregor Mathes: Rolle der Temperatur für die Aussterbeereignisse bei Neosalachiern